Monday, March 25, 2019

Charleston, SC - Post 11

March 18, 2019 - March 25, 2019

This week has been dedicated to preparations for our trip north and visiting some of our favorite Charleston restaurants.  To get ready for our trip we have:
  • cleaned the cockpit thoroughly
  • defrosted the refrigerator
  • and had a diver clean the marine growth off of the prop, keel, strut and rudder
  • other tasks like provisioning, cleaning the deck, stowing the bikes, splashing the dinghy, and doing laundry will have to wait until later in the week right before we leave.
Bob has thoroughly planned our trip north. We will be jumping outside for an ocean passage between Charleston and Georgetown since the weather is predicted to be perfect for this trip.  Our next day we plan for another ocean passage from Georgetown to Southport, NC (if the weather holds).  This will cut a week off of our travel time, reduce the number of marina stops, and miss all of the tricky spots of the ICW in South Carolina.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Bob and I visited New York City Pizza
on East Bay for lunch on Monday.
One of my favorite parts of our stay in Charleston
has been riding around the marina docks
and city streets on my beach bike.
A mural on the wall of Pearlz Oyster Bar where we
 stopped for oysters and lunch on Wednesday.
The unique aspect of Charleston oyster bars is
they not only serve local oysters, but oysters from
all over the east coast.  Bob has
enjoyed trying many varieties.
We found this antique wooden bike at The Bike Shoppe
in Charleston where we bought areplacement bike lock.
 I lost my first lock in the Ashley River.

Today we biked to The Brown Dog Deli on Broad Street for our final lunch there.

Thank you for reading my blog.