Monday, December 21, 2020

Late Fall in Annapolis #3

 December 7, 2020 - December 20, 2020

The days since my last blog post have been less than exciting.  Instead of listing all of my activities each day I decided to give you an overall list of how things are going here in Annapolis.  First off, the weather has gone from warm (mid to upper 40’s and one day 60) to very cold (upper 20’s to low 30’s) and back again, twice.  I do enjoy the warmer weather, but it seems so unnatural to be walking around without a heavy jacket in December.  Most days have been consumed with mundane tasks (grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning, and cooking) and a couple of boat projects.  One day we replaced the discharge hose for the deck drain on the starboard side of the boat - plumbing tasks are not my favorite and always take much longer than expected. I have also made progress on my son’s quilt.

The holiday spirit is alive and well in Annapolis and the decorations around town are the best part of the season. I have photographed some outstanding decorations on my morning walks.

The lighted wreath on the stern of Rainy Days
 twinkles even in the sunlight

Decorations go from traditional colonial...

to glitzy.

The flower vendor offers beautiful bouquets to 
passersby on Church Circle.

The trees in the yard of St. Ann's Church are wrapped
with lights and decorated with lighted snowflakes.

A display of unique stars caught my eye.

Swags of greenery festooned with
red velvet bows are everywhere.

Nancy Hammond, a local artist, has
decorated her gallery with her own  work.

The view looking down West Street toward Church Circle

The view down Main Street to the City Dock

The Restaurant "Red Red Wine"
 changed its name for the season.

A unique window display 

Another outstanding window display

All of the boats around City Dock are decorated, too.

The Christmas lights are outstanding, too.

Lights sparkle all night at City Dock and around town.

Remember wear your mask, social distance and wash your hands.  

Thank you for reading my blog