Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Our Final days on the Boat (for awhile)

 September 30, 2021 - October 6, 2021

Our last couple of days at Castle Marina on Kent Island were spent preparing for our trip to Mexico. We packed all of the clothing and toiletries we were taking with us except the few items we will need on our six day trip.  The roof top carrier filled up more quickly than we expected.  

We had hoped to rent a car and drive our car to Galesville where our boat will be wintering but nothing was available.  Thankfully, the boat yard where Rainy Days will be stored has a van that they will let us borrow to retrieve our car when we get there on Sunday.

We left Castle Marina at 2:00 pm to take advantage of the high tide.  If you remember we went aground on our way into Castle Marina last spring.  Bob did a great job of motoring out the channel and we arrived in the Chester River without a bump on the bottom.  The first part of the trip to Galesville was beautiful.  It had warmed up considerably over the past week and we enjoyed being back on the water in the bright sun shine.  After we motored under the Bay Bridge the wind picked up, and, of course, it was right on our nose.  When we have a head wind the boat slows down because of the hobby horse motion of plowing into the oncoming waves. Needless to say the last two hours of the trip were not as pleasant.  Lola always rides in the cock pit when we are under way, but Kali stayed below.

Lola looks a little seasick.

We followed this sail boat into the West River

The iconic Thomas Point Lighthouse is the 
most photographed lighthouse on the bay.

We anchored in the West River at about 6:00 pm.  We were glad to be out of the wind and in such a quiet and beautiful spot.  Anchoring out is one of my favorite boating experiences. Bob cooked some steaks and I made a salad for dinner. Yum!  After a good nights rest we were blessed with a lovely morning.

We anchored across the river from Pirates Cove Marina
with sailboat masts reflected in the water.

This view shows a hint of the fall colors to come.

This Sailboat Anchored close by.

We made the short trip to Hartge’s Yacht Yard after breakfast.  Our next task was retrieving our car from Castle Marina back on Kent Island.  Then we settled in to complete our preparations for the trip to Mexico.  We finished packing, made arrangements with the yacht yard for the work we need to have done over the winter, winterized all the water systems, took the cats to the vet, cleaned out the fridge, and made sure everything inside the boat was ship shape. I even squeezed three visits to my physical therapist into the week. We will leave Thursday morning around 10:00 am (to avoid D.C. rush hour traffic).  Hopefully, the cats will do well on the trip.  Kali is becoming a good car rider, but Lola is still unhappy in the car.

Kali decided to join us in the front seat
 on the way back from the vet.

My daughter Rachel continues to brighten my days with photos of my granddaughter Claire.


My next blog will be posted in Mexico!

Thank you for reading my blog.