Monday, April 29, 2019

Onancock, VA to Annapolis, MD

April 22, 2019 - April 29, 2019

We woke before sunrise and left Onancock Marina at 6:30 am.  The prediction was for calm wind and seas, but when we reached the mouth of Onancock Creek we discovered that we would be fighting 12 to 15 knot winds out of the north which caused us to hobby horse with waves crashing over the bow onto the deck.  Thank goodness for our enclosed which protected us from a soaking.  I became violently seasick after about two hours of the trip (yuck)  After that I wasn’t much help to Bob.  Instead of crossing the bay to Solomons we opted to travel up the Tangier Sound behind Tangier and Smith Islands.  We cut our trip short for the day and anchored in Fishing Bay on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.  In the morning we raised anchor at 7:00 am heading for St. Michaels.  We hadn’t visited St. Michaels for several years and were excited about returning.  Because of the weather predictions we could only stay in St. Michaels for two nights.  One night we anchored out in the Miles River just outside of St. Michaels.  

In the morning we motored to the marina to tie up on the face dock. We had lunch at the Crab Claw a local restaurant on the water.  I had my first crab cake since leaving Maryland last fall and Bob had a soft crab sandwich. Both were delicious.  St. Michaels used to have an Acme on the main shopping street in town which we discovered had been torn down to make room for more small shops.  Consequently, we Ubered  to the local Graul’s supermarket to provision.  After stowing all our groceries I set off to explore all of the town’s shops.  I took my time as Bob had stayed back at the boat and enjoyed browsing through the unique merchandise.  In the morning we had breakfast at a new restaurant called The Galley that was a couple of blocks from the marina.  We had a short trip across the bay to Annapolis, our home port.  

Rainy Days on mooring 16 in Annapolis Harbor. 

This was the weekend for the Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show and we were glad to get a mooring.  Because of the prediction of windy and stormy weather we planned to stay in Annapolis for seven days.  For four days the wind howled, sometimes with gusts up to 50 knots, but we enjoyed our time anyway.  We visited the boat show on Friday and were able to order the fabric, notions, and tools to complete the remaking of the cockpit cushions and a few other items that are showing wear.  We received a 10% discount and free shipping.  On Sunday we visited the Spring Festival on Maryland Avenue which consisted of a wide array of food, art, antique, and craft vendors.  There always seems to be something going on in Annapolis.  Annapolis has a vibrant and busy downtown and harbor with people and boats coming and going constantly.  It’s entertaining just to watch the activity. On Monday we did laundry and tried out the new Thai restaurant on Main Street, Tarin Thai Cuisine. 

The Maryland State House dominates State Circle.

Colorful houses on Corn Hill Street.

Fun times at City Dock!

Something unusual occurred over the weekend. A duck used the lines stored on our forward deck as a nest to lay her eggs.  Lola discovered two on Saturday and then on Sunday morning a third was added to the “nest”. We will try to place them in a more appropriate spot. but with the cold weather I don’t think they will survive.

Three duck eggs on board !

Thank you for reading my blog.